* Last updated at 8:10 am on Friday, February 7, 2025
A-C Central, see Ashland (A-C Central)
Academy High, see Champaign (Academy High)
ACE Amandla Charter, see Chicago (ACE Amandla Charter)
Acero/Cruz, see Chicago (Acero/Cruz)
Acero/Garcia, see Chicago (Acero/Garcia)
Acero/Soto, see Chicago (Acero/Soto)
Agape Christian, see Marion (Agape Christian)
Agricultural Science, see Chicago (Agricultural Science)
Air Force Academy, see Chicago (Air Force Academy)
Alcott, see Chicago (Alcott)
Alden-Hebron, see Hebron (Alden-H.)
Alleman, see Rock Island (Alleman)
Althoff Catholic, see Belleville (Althoff Catholic)
AlWood, see Woodhull (AlWood)
Amundsen, see Chicago (Amundsen)
Andrew, see Tinley Park (Andrew)
Aqsa, see Bridgeview (Aqsa)
Argo, see Summit (Argo)
Arlington Heights (Christian Liberty Academy)
Arlington Heights (St. Viator)
Art in Motion, see Chicago (Art in Motion)
Arthur (A.-Lovington-Atwood-Hammond)
ASPIRA/Business and Finance, see Chicago (ASPIRA/Business and Finance)
ASPIRA/Early College, see Chicago (ASPIRA/Early College)
Auburn, see Rockford (Auburn)
Aurora (Illinois Math and Science Academy)
Austin, see Chicago (Austin)