The Illinois High School Association (IHSA) Board of Directors met for its regularly scheduled meeting at the IHSA office in Bloomington on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, where the Board approved a pair of advisory committee recommendations aimed at bringing the IHSA Baseball and Softball State Final schedules in alignment with other multi-class IHSA sports.
In recent years, the IHSA has made changes to its State Final schedules in boys soccer, girls soccer, girls basketball, and boys basketball. Each sport previously held their state final tournaments over the course of two weekends, contesting different classes on each weekend. Girls and Boys Basketball moved to a single-weekend state final format in 2021-22, and girls and boys soccer followed suit in 2023-24.
The changes approved by the Board on Wednesday set the stage for baseball and softball to follow suit with single-weekend state final formats beginning in 2026.
“The move to a single-weekend state final format in basketball and soccer has been very well received overall, which led our baseball and softball advisory committees to seek out a similar format,” said IHSA Executive Director Craig Anderson. “I believe this has the potential to create an exciting culminating weekend for both sports.”
The schedule will call for the IHSA Softball State Finals in all four classes to be held in Week 48 of the IHSA calendar, which is when the IHSA Class 1A/2A Softball State Finals are currently held. The IHSA Baseball State Finals in all four classes will be held in Week 49 of the IHSA calendar, which is when the IHSA Class 3A/4A Baseball State Finals are currently held.
The IHSA’s hosting contract for the Softball State Finals at Louisville Slugger in Peoria runs through the 2025 state tournament.
“We believe that Louisville Slugger is the premier softball facility in the state,” said Anderson. “We have enjoyed a fantastic partnership with the staff there and it is our intention to hold the IHSA Softball State Finals there in 2026, and beyond, as the tournament transitions to the single-weekend format. We believe there is mutual interest from Louisville Slugger, and the many community partners that help put on the event and expect to be able to work together to make this official very soon.”
The IHSA currently has a baseball state final contract for the 1A/2A tourney weekend at Dozer Park in Peoria, and a state final contract for the 3A/4A tourney weekend at Slammers Stadium in Joliet. The 1A/2A contract in Peoria runs through the 2025 state finals, while the 3A/4A in Joliet contract runs through the 2026 state finals.
“We intend to honor our current baseball hosting contracts and are open to multiple options in 2027 and beyond,” said Anderson. “Those options include holding the state finals at multiple venues in one city or continuing to contest the different classes at two sites on the same weekend. We have deep ties in both ballparks and communities, and will continue to work with both hosts, along with other key Illinois high school baseball constituents, to determine the best course of action for hosting the State Finals in the single-weekend format.”
The IHSA Board of Directors also indicated they will explore authoring a by-law proposal in the fall of 2025 that would bring alignment to the season lengths of both sports.
The IHSA will be releasing the dates for the remaining 2025-26 State Series rounds (Regional, Sectional, Super-Sectional) to schools in the near future.
1. The Board approved a recommendation to move the February Board meeting from Monday, February 10 to Tuesday, February 11.
No appeal hearings
At each meeting of the Board of Directors, there are certain items the Board discusses, but upon which no action was taken or action may not be required. The following is a report of those items from the January 15, 2025, agenda:
1. The Board reviewed the results of and discussed a questionnaire that was sent to the Official Representative at each IHSA member school in January. The questionnaire topics included post-season classification cutoffs, the multiplier, the multiplier waiver, and the success formula. The results of the questionnaire can be viewed in the IHSA Schools Center.
2. The Board heard an update on the IHSA Legislative Process that resulted in IHSA member schools voting to approve nine by-law amendments in December. Six of the amendments take affect on July 1, 2025, while the three proposals below have already taken effect:
Proposal 6: Adds penalties for officials working as unlicensed officials and for assignors (where used by member schools) when an unlicensed official is assigned to work a contest. No penalties to the school when using an assignor and for a first-time offense.
Proposal 7: Modifies the IHSA travel policy. Currently, a team can miss two days of school on two occasions during a season. This change would allow for the four days to be used concurrently.
Proposal 17: Modifies the number of summer contact days restriction from 25 to 20 days.
3. The Board heard a report on the 2025 IHSA All-State Academic Team application process. The application deadline for the 2025 Team is February 14, 2025. More info is available here and application forms are accessible here.
4. The Board heard a report on the 2025 Student Section and Spirit Showdown. The video submission deadline is January 29, 2025. More information can be accessed here.
5. The Board heard a report from the Executive Director on the NFHS Winter Meeting.
6. The Board heard a report from IHSA staff members who attended the Let’s Connect Conference in Rosemont.
7. The Board held further discussion on a potential policy that would allow for the IHSA to partner with third-party groups that conduct state tournaments in Illinois in sports and activities that the IHSA does not currently offer. If developed and approved, the policy would allow a third-party group to continue to operate its state tournament, with the IHSA providing awards and support.