The Crete-Monee High School girls' soccer team recently received a prestigious honor for its community service efforts, which CMHS head coach Kathy Siefert expanded on below:
"As part of the Pepsico Showdown, teams are asked to take part in community service. The Crete-Monee girls soccer team spent a Saturday volunteering at the Crete Lions Recycling center, unloading vehicles as they came in and sorting recyclables. In keeping with our team's motto, "Raising the Bar", we elected to continue our service throughout our entire season. On Tuesdays, high school students are released an hour early. Our 18-member team has spent that hour each week volunteering at elementary schools in our district. Student-athletes have read to small groups, provided one-on-one tutoring, and assisted with science projects. This team effort has taught our young ladies how important it is to give back to the community we come from, while also bringing us closer as a group. Here is a video that compiles our community service projects. We were fortunate enough to receive the Lynn & Scott Mangnesen Award for community service at the Pepsico Showdown championship this past Sunday. Our program received a $1,000 grant."