Boys Football State Final Results — 2017-18

* Last updated at 1:42 pm on Friday, November 24, 2017

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Box Score

                            Scoring Summary (Final)
                                 IHSA Football
               Tuscola vs Lena-Winslow (11/24/17 at DeKalb, Ill.)

                 Tuscola (13-1,7-0) vs. Lena-Winslow (14-0,8-0)
Date: 11/24/17      Site: DeKalb, Ill.          Stadium: Huskie Stadium

Score by Quarters     1  2  3  4   Score
-----------------    -- -- -- --   -----
Tuscola.............  7  0 13  0  - 20
Lena-Winslow........  7 14  0  0  - 21

Scoring Summary:
1st 04:16 TUSCOLA - Erickson, Andrew 5 yd run (Kresin, Cade kick)
                                               5 plays, 31 yards, TOP 2:14, TUSCOLA 7 - LW 0
    01:00 LW - Bruce, Isaiah 72 yd pass from Chrisman, Ty (Magee, Parker kick)
                                               2 plays, 62 yards, TOP 0:34, TUSCOLA 7 - LW 7
2nd 10:49 LW - Valentine, Rahveon 76 yd run (Magee, Parker kick)
                                               1 play, 76 yards, TOP 0:16, TUSCOLA 7 - LW 14
    07:09 LW - Valentine, Rahveon 22 yd run (Magee, Parker kick)
                                              2 plays, 72 yards, TOP 0:14, TUSCOLA 7 - LW 21
3rd 04:57 TUSCOLA - Hoel, Dalton 4 yd pass from Sluder, Luke (Kresin, Cade kick)
                                             7 plays, 34 yards, TOP 2:50, TUSCOLA 14 - LW 21
    00:42 TUSCOLA - Sementi, Cale 5 yd pass from Sluder, Luke (Hoel, Dalton rush failed)
                                             8 plays, 34 yards, TOP 3:01, TUSCOLA 20 - LW 21

Kickoff time: 10:09 AM  End of Game: 12:47 PM  Total elapsed time: 2:38
Officials: Referee: Gene Jackson; Umpire: Mike Chmelovski; Linesman: Ralph Kubek;
Line judge: Scott Stemple; Back judge: Tim Loughnane;
Temperature: 46 F      Wind: 19mph S   Weather: Fair

2017 IHSA Football Championship
Class 1A Championship Game

                           Quickie Statistics (Final)
               Tuscola vs Lena-Winslow (11/24/17 at DeKalb, Ill.)

                                                         TUSCOLA       LW
                         Score.........................       20       21
                         FIRST DOWNS...................       14        9
                         RUSHES-YARDS (NET)............   39-113   39-231
                         PASSING YDS (NET).............      116       88
                         Passes Att-Comp-Int...........  32-12-1    5-2-0
                         TOTAL OFFENSE PLAYS-YARDS.....   71-229   44-319
                         Fumble Returns-Yards..........      0-0      0-0
                         Punt Returns-Yards............     4-61     3-21
                         Kickoff Returns-Yards.........     4-27     1-16
                         Interception Returns-Yards....      0-0      1-0
                         Punts (Number-Avg)............   7-33.0   6-37.0
                         Fumbles-Lost..................      1-1      4-4
                         Penalties-Yards...............      1-5     4-41
                         Possession Time...............    25:22    22:38
                         Third-Down Conversions........  3 of 16  3 of 10
                         Fourth-Down Conversions.......   4 of 6   1 of 1
                         Red-Zone Scores-Chances.......      3-4      0-0

                           Tuscola                                                   Lena-Winslow

 Rushing              No  Yds TD Lg  Avg                     Rushing              No  Yds TD Lg  Avg
 Erickson, Andrew     12   73  1 17  6.1                     Valentine, Rahveon   19  140  2 76  7.4
 Sluder, Luke         22   31  0  9  1.4                     Ormiston, Sean        9   78  0 50  8.7
 Cothron, Haden        2    8  0  5  4.0                     Chrisman, Ty          6   11  0 10  1.8
 Hoel, Dalton          3    1  0  5  0.3                     Schwartz, Gaige       3    4  0  6  1.3

 Passing              AttCmpInt Yds TD Lng                   Passing              AttCmpInt Yds TD Lng
 Sluder, Luke          32-12-1  116  2  19                   Chrisman, Ty           5-2-0    88  1  72

 Receiving             No.  Yds   TD Long                    Receiving             No.  Yds   TD Long
 Hoel, Dalton            8   75    1   19                    Bruce, Isaiah           2   88    1   72
 Kresin, Cade            1   14    0   14
 Douglas, Brando         1   11    0   11
 Pierce, Noah            1   11    0   11

 Punting               No.   Avg Long I20                    Punting               No.   Avg Long I20
 Kresin, Cade            7  33.0   43   1                    Magee, Parker           6  37.0   61   0

 Punt returns          No.  Yds   TD Long                    Punt returns          No.  Yds   TD Long
 Hoel, Dalton            4   61    0   21                    Schwartz, Gaige         2   21    0   15
                                                             Peight, Owen            1    0    0    0

 Kick returns          No.  Yds   TD Long                    Kick returns          No.  Yds   TD Long
 Hoel, Dalton            3   18    0   11                    Schwartz, Gaige         1   16    0   16
 Pierce, Noah            1    9    0    9

 Tackles              UA-A  Total Sacks                      Tackles              UA-A  Total Sacks
 Erickson, Andrew      7-4     11   0.0                      Ormiston, Sean        6-2      8   2.0
 Woodard, Hunter       5-4      9   0.0                      Kuehl, Ian            6-2      8   0.0
 Little, Will          2-3      5   1.0                      Chrisman, Ty          4-4      8   0.0
 Hoel, Dalton          2-3      5   0.0                      Schwartz, Gaige       3-5      8   1.5

 Team     Qtr Time   Scoring play                                   Conversion                Plays-Yards  TOP  TUSCOLA - LW
 ----     --- ----   ------------                                   ----------                -----------  ---  -----------------
 TUSCOLA  1st 04:16  Erickson, A. 5 yd run                          Kresin, Cade kick            5-31     2:14        7 - 0
 LW       1st 01:00  Bruce, Isaiah 72 yd pass from Chrisman, Ty     Magee, Parker kick           2-62     0:34        7 - 7
 LW       2nd 10:49  Valentine, Re. 76 yd run                       Magee, Parker kick           1-76     0:16        7 - 14
 LW       2nd 07:09  Valentine, Re. 22 yd run                       Magee, Parker kick           2-72     0:14        7 - 21
 TUSCOLA  3rd 04:57  Hoel, Dalton 4 yd pass from Sluder, Luke       Kresin, Cade kick            7-34     2:50       14 - 21
 TUSCOLA  3rd 00:42  Sementi, Cale 5 yd pass from Sluder, Luke      Hoel, Dalton rush failed     8-34     3:01       20 - 21

                            Team Statistics (Final)
                                 IHSA Football
               Tuscola vs Lena-Winslow (11/24/17 at DeKalb, Ill.)

                                               TUSCOLA       LW

               FIRST DOWNS...................       14        9
                 Rushing.....................        7        7
                 Passing.....................        6        2
                 Penalty.....................        1        0
               NET YARDS RUSHING.............      113      231
                 Rushing Attempts............       39       39
                 Average Per Rush............      2.9      5.9
                 Rushing Touchdowns..........        1        2
                 Yards Gained Rushing........      139      245
                 Yards Lost Rushing..........       26       14
               NET YARDS PASSING.............      116       88
                 Completions-Attempts-Int....  12-32-1    2-5-0
                 Average Per Attempt.........      3.6     17.6
                 Average Per Completion......      9.7     44.0
                 Passing Touchdowns..........        2        1
               TOTAL OFFENSE YARDS...........      229      319
                 Total offense plays.........       71       44
                 Average Gain Per Play.......      3.2      7.2
               Fumbles: Number-Lost..........      1-1      4-4
               Penalties: Number-Yards.......      1-5     4-41
               PUNTS-YARDS...................    7-231    6-222
                 Average Yards Per Punt......     33.0     37.0
                 Net Yards Per Punt..........     30.0     26.8
                 Inside 20...................        1        0
                 50+ Yards...................        0        1
                 Touchbacks..................        0        0
                 Fair catch..................        0        0
               KICKOFFS-YARDS................    4-228    4-153
                 Average Yards Per Kickoff...     57.0     38.2
                 Net Yards Per Kickoff.......     38.0     31.5
                 Touchbacks..................        3        0
               Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD.   4-61-0   3-21-0
                 Average Per Return..........     15.2      7.0
               Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD   4-27-0   1-16-0
                 Average Per Return..........      6.8     16.0
               Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD..    0-0-0    1-0-0
               Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD.    0-0-0    0-0-0
               Miscellaneous Yards...........        0        0
               Possession Time...............    25:22    22:38
                 1st Quarter.................     8:09     3:51
                 2nd Quarter.................     7:04     4:56
                 3rd Quarter.................     5:51     6:09
                 4th Quarter.................     4:18     7:42
               Third-Down Conversions........  3 of 16  3 of 10
               Fourth-Down Conversions.......   4 of 6   1 of 1
               Red-Zone Scores-Chances.......      3-4      0-0
                 Touchdowns..................      3-4      0-0
                 Field goals.................      0-4      0-0
               Sacks By: Number-Yards........      1-5     5-25
               PAT Kicks.....................      2-2      3-3
               Field Goals...................      0-0      0-0
               Points off turnovers..........        6        0

                                 Individual Statistics (Final)
                                         IHSA Football
                       Tuscola vs Lena-Winslow (11/24/17 at DeKalb, Ill.)

Tuscola                                               Lena-Winslow

Rushing              No Gain Loss  Net TD Lg  Avg     Rushing              No Gain Loss  Net TD Lg  Avg
-------------------------------------------------     -------------------------------------------------
Erickson, Andrew     12   73    0   73  1 17  6.1     Valentine, Rahveon   19  144    4  140  2 76  7.4
Sluder, Luke         22   53   22   31  0  9  1.4     Ormiston, Sean        9   79    1   78  0 50  8.7
Cothron, Haden        2    8    0    8  0  5  4.0     Chrisman, Ty          6   16    5   11  0 10  1.8
Hoel, Dalton          3    5    4    1  0  5  0.3     Schwartz, Gaige       3    6    2    4  0  6  1.3
Totals...            39  139   26  113  1 17  2.9     TEAM                  2    0    2   -2  0  0 -1.0
                                                      Totals...            39  245   14  231  2 76  5.9

Passing              Cmp-Att-Int Yds TD Long Sack     Passing              Cmp-Att-Int Yds TD Long Sack
-------------------------------------------------     -------------------------------------------------
Sluder, Luke           12-32-1   116  2   19    4     Chrisman, Ty            2-5-0     88  1   72    1
Hoel, Dalton            0-0-0      0  0    0    1     Totals...               2-5-0     88  1   72    1
Totals...              12-32-1   116  2   19    5

Receiving             No.  Yds   TD Long              Receiving             No.  Yds   TD Long
----------------------------------------              ----------------------------------------
Hoel, Dalton            8   75    1   19              Bruce, Isaiah           2   88    1   72
Kresin, Cade            1   14    0   14              Totals...               2   88    1   72
Pierce, Noah            1   11    0   11
Douglas, Brando         1   11    0   11
Sementi, Cale           1    5    1    5
Totals...              12  116    2   19

Punting               No.  Yds   Avg Long In20   TB   Punting               No.  Yds   Avg Long In20   TB
---------------------------------------------------   ---------------------------------------------------
Kresin, Cade            7  231  33.0   43    1    0   Magee, Parker           6  222  37.0   61    0    0
Totals...               7  231  33.0   43    1    0   Totals...               6  222  37.0   61    0    0

                       Punts   Kickoffs  Intercept                           Punts   Kickoffs  Intercept
All Returns          No.Yds.Lg No.Yds.Lg No.Yds.Lg    All Returns          No.Yds.Lg No.Yds.Lg No.Yds.Lg
--------------------------------------------------    --------------------------------------------------
Hoel, Dalton          4  61 21  3  18 11  0   0  0    Schwartz, Gaige       2  21 15  1  16 16  1   0  0
Pierce, Noah          0   0  0  1   9  9  0   0  0    Peight, Owen          1   0  0  0   0  0  0   0  0
Totals...             4  61 21  4  27 11  0   0  0    Totals...             3  21 15  1  16 16  1   0  0

Field goal attempts                                   Field goal attempts
----------------------------------------              ----------------------------------------

Kickoffs         No.  Yds  TB  OB   Avg               Kickoffs         No.  Yds  TB  OB   Avg
---------------------------------------               ---------------------------------------
Kresin, Cade       4  228   3   0  57.0               Magee, Parker      4  153   0   0  38.2

  FUMBLES: Tuscola-Sluder, Luke 1-1. Lena-Winslow-Valentine, Rahveon 2-2; Peight, Owen 1-1; Chrisman,
  Ty 1-1.

                                Defensive Statistics (Final)
                                       IHSA Football
                     Tuscola vs Lena-Winslow (11/24/17 at DeKalb, Ill.)

    ## Player               Solo  Ast  Tot  TFL/Yds  FF FR-Yd Intc BrUp Blkd Sack/Yds QH
    34 Erickson, Andrew        7    4   11     .     1   .     .      .    .      .     .
    75 Woodard, Hunter         5    4    9  1.0/1    .   .     .      .    .      .     .
    11 Hoel, Dalton            2    3    5     .     .  1-0    .      .    .      .     .
    33 Little, Will            2    3    5  1.0/5    1   .     .      .    .   1.0/5    .
    73 Miller, Kevin           2    3    5     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
    55 Vonlanken, Brayden      3    1    4  1.0/2    1   .     .      .    .      .     .
    91 Sementi, Cale           .    3    3  0.5/2    .  1-0    .      .    .      .     .
    1  Tabeling, Logan         1    1    2     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
    35 Russell, Gage           1    1    2     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
    12 Pierce, Noah            1    1    2     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
    29 Kresin, Cade            1    1    2     .     .  1-0    .      .    .      .     .
    84 Dixon, Ben              .    2    2  0.5/2    .  1-0    .      .    .      .     .
    77 Picazo, CJ              1    .    1     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
    61 Denny, Dakota           .    1    1     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .

    ## Player               Solo  Ast  Tot  TFL/Yds  FF FR-Yd Intc BrUp Blkd Sack/Yds QH
    55 Kuehl, Ian              6    2    8  1.0/1    .   .     .      .    .      .     .
    22 Ormiston, Sean          6    2    8  2.0/14   .  1-0    .      .    .   2.0/14   .
    15 Chrisman, Ty            4    4    8     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
    85 Schwartz, Gaige         3    5    8  1.5/5    .   .    1-0     1    .   1.5/5    .
    88 Bruce, Isaiah           7    .    7     .     .   .     .      3    .      .     .
    1  Magee, Parker           3    3    6  1.5/6    .   .     .      .    .   1.5/6    .
    29 Trumpy, Noah            4    1    5     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
    43 Valentine, Rahveon      1    4    5     .     .   .     .      2    .      .     .
    2  Gyland, Keegan          2    2    4     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .
    3  Lingle, Eli             2    2    4     .     .   .     .      2    .      .     .
    71 Jones, Michael          1    1    2     .     .   .     .      .    .      .     .

                                      Drive Chart (Final)
                                         IHSA Football
                       Tuscola vs Lena-Winslow (11/24/17 at DeKalb, Ill.)

                   Drive Started             Drive Ended             Consumed
  Team     Qtr Spot Time   Obtained      Spot Time   How Lost      Pl-Yds   TOP
  TUSCOLA  1st W21  12:00  Kickoff       W45  09:16  Punt           5-24   2:44
  TUSCOLA  1st B19  09:16  Fumble        B05  08:08  Fumble         3-14   1:08#
  TUSCOLA  1st B31  06:30  Punt          B00  04:16 *TOUCHDOWN      5-31   2:14#
  TUSCOLA  1st W49  02:37  Fumble        W41  01:34  Punt           3--8   1:03
  TUSCOLA  1st W26  01:00  Kickoff       W39  11:05  Punt           6-13   1:55
  TUSCOLA  2nd W32  10:43  Kickoff       B28  07:23  Downs          7-40   3:20
  TUSCOLA  2nd W35  07:03  Kickoff       W34  05:29  Punt           3--1   1:34
  TUSCOLA  2nd W25  01:29  Punt          W17  00:26  Punt           3--8   1:03
  TUSCOLA  3rd B34  07:47  Punt          B00  04:57 *TOUCHDOWN      7-34   2:50#
  TUSCOLA  3rd B34  03:43  Fumble        B00  00:42 *TOUCHDOWN      8-34   3:01#
  TUSCOLA  4th W29  08:31  Punt          W44  07:12  Punt           5-15   1:19
  TUSCOLA  4th W33  05:40  Punt          W36  04:55  Punt           3-3    0:45
  TUSCOLA  4th W26  02:33  Punt          W26  02:23  Interception   1-0    0:10
  TUSCOLA  4th W23  02:14  Fumble        B29  00:10  Downs         12-48   2:04

  LW       1st B19  00:00  Punt          B19  09:16  Fumble         0-0    0:00
  LW       1st B05  08:08  Fumble        B08  06:30  Punt           3-3    1:38
  LW       1st B28  04:11  Kickoff       W49  02:37  Fumble         5-23   1:34
  LW       1st B38  01:34  Punt          W00  01:00 *TOUCHDOWN      2-62   0:34
  LW       2nd B24  11:05  Punt          W00  10:49 *TOUCHDOWN      1-76   0:16
  LW       2nd B28  07:23  Downs         W00  07:09 *TOUCHDOWN      2-72   0:14
  LW       2nd B42  05:29  Punt          W47  01:29  Punt           6-11   4:00
  LW       2nd B50  00:26  Punt          B49  00:00  End of half    1--1   0:26
  LW       3rd B20  12:00  Kickoff       B27  07:47  Punt           6-7    4:13
  LW       3rd B20  04:57  Kickoff       B34  03:43  Fumble         3-14   1:14
  LW       3rd B20  00:42  Kickoff       B31  08:31  Punt           7-11   4:11
  LW       4th B24  07:12  Punt          B29  05:40  Punt           3-5    1:32
  LW       4th B37  04:55  Punt          B43  02:33  Punt           3-6    2:22
  LW       4th W28  02:23  Interception  W23  02:14  Fumble         1-5    0:09
  LW       4th B29  00:10  Downs         B28  00:00  End of half    1--1   0:10

  TUSCOLA                   1st   2nd   3rd   4th     1st   2nd
                            Qtr   Qtr   Qtr   Qtr    Half  Half  Total
  Time of possession       08:09 07:04 05:51 04:18   15:13 10:09 25:22
  3rd Down Conversions      2/4   0/4   0/3   1/5     2/8   1/8   3/16
  Avg Field Position        W49   W30   B34   W27     W42   W40   W41
  4th Down Conversions      0/0   0/1   3/3   1/2     0/1   4/5   4/6

  LW                        1st   2nd   3rd   4th     1st   2nd
                            Qtr   Qtr   Qtr   Qtr    Half  Half  Total
  Time of possession       03:51 04:56 06:09 07:42   08:47 13:51 22:38
  3rd Down Conversions      1/2   1/2   1/2   0/4     2/4   1/6   3/10
  Avg Field Position        B23   B36   B20   B40     B30   B31   B31
  4th Down Conversions      0/0   0/0   0/0   1/1     0/0   1/1   1/1

                                    Drive Chart (By Quarter)

                   Drive Started             Drive Ended             Consumed
  Team     Qtr Spot Time   Obtained      Spot Time   How Lost      Pl-Yds   TOP
  TUSCOLA  1st W21  12:00  Kickoff       W45  09:16  Punt           5-24   2:44
  LW       1st B19  00:00  Punt          B19  09:16  Fumble         0-0    0:00
  TUSCOLA  1st B19  09:16  Fumble        B05  08:08  Fumble         3-14   1:08#
  LW       1st B05  08:08  Fumble        B08  06:30  Punt           3-3    1:38
  TUSCOLA  1st B31  06:30  Punt          B00  04:16 *TOUCHDOWN      5-31   2:14#
  LW       1st B28  04:11  Kickoff       W49  02:37  Fumble         5-23   1:34
  TUSCOLA  1st W49  02:37  Fumble        W41  01:34  Punt           3--8   1:03
  LW       1st B38  01:34  Punt          W00  01:00 *TOUCHDOWN      2-62   0:34
  TUSCOLA  1st W26  01:00  Kickoff       W39  11:05  Punt           6-13   1:55

  LW       2nd B24  11:05  Punt          W00  10:49 *TOUCHDOWN      1-76   0:16
  TUSCOLA  2nd W32  10:43  Kickoff       B28  07:23  Downs          7-40   3:20
  LW       2nd B28  07:23  Downs         W00  07:09 *TOUCHDOWN      2-72   0:14
  TUSCOLA  2nd W35  07:03  Kickoff       W34  05:29  Punt           3--1   1:34
  LW       2nd B42  05:29  Punt          W47  01:29  Punt           6-11   4:00
  TUSCOLA  2nd W25  01:29  Punt          W17  00:26  Punt           3--8   1:03
  LW       2nd B50  00:26  Punt          B49  00:00  End of half    1--1   0:26

  LW       3rd B20  12:00  Kickoff       B27  07:47  Punt           6-7    4:13
  TUSCOLA  3rd B34  07:47  Punt          B00  04:57 *TOUCHDOWN      7-34   2:50#
  LW       3rd B20  04:57  Kickoff       B34  03:43  Fumble         3-14   1:14
  TUSCOLA  3rd B34  03:43  Fumble        B00  00:42 *TOUCHDOWN      8-34   3:01#
  LW       3rd B20  00:42  Kickoff       B31  08:31  Punt           7-11   4:11

  TUSCOLA  4th W29  08:31  Punt          W44  07:12  Punt           5-15   1:19
  LW       4th B24  07:12  Punt          B29  05:40  Punt           3-5    1:32
  TUSCOLA  4th W33  05:40  Punt          W36  04:55  Punt           3-3    0:45
  LW       4th B37  04:55  Punt          B43  02:33  Punt           3-6    2:22
  TUSCOLA  4th W26  02:33  Punt          W26  02:23  Interception   1-0    0:10
  LW       4th W28  02:23  Interception  W23  02:14  Fumble         1-5    0:09
  TUSCOLA  4th W23  02:14  Fumble        B29  00:10  Downs         12-48   2:04
  LW       4th B29  00:10  Downs         B28  00:00  End of half    1--1   0:10

                                                 Play-by-Play Summary (1st quarter)
                                                           IHSA Football
                                         Tuscola vs Lena-Winslow (11/24/17 at DeKalb, Ill.)

               LW has won the toss and defers, Tuscola will receive in the north
  W 1-10 W40   LW ball on LW40.

                   Magee, Parker kickoff 50 yards to the TUSCOLA10, Hoel, Dalton return 11 yards to the TUSCOLA21 (Ormiston,
  W 1-10 W21   Erickson, Andrew rush over left guard for 4 yards to the TUSCOLA25 (Bruce, Isaiah).
  W 2-6  W25   Sluder, Luke sideline pass complete to Pierce, Noah for 11 yards to the TUSCOLA36, 1ST DOWN TUSCOLA,
  W 1-10 W36   Sluder, Luke rush quarterback draw for 1 yard to the TUSCOLA37 (Schwartz, Gaige;Valentine, Rahveon).
  W 2-9  W37   Sluder, Luke screen pass complete to Hoel, Dalton for 8 yards to the TUSCOLA45 (Trumpy, Noah).
  W 3-1  W45   Hoel, Dalton rush over right guard for no gain to the TUSCOLA45 (Chrisman, Ty;Ormiston, Sean).
  W 4-1  W45   Kresin, Cade punt 36 yards to the LW19, Peight, Owen return 0 yards to the LW19, fumble by Peight, Owen
               recovered by TUSCOLA Hoel, Dalton at LW19.
--------------- 5 plays, 24 yards, TOP 02:44 ---------------

  W 1-10 B19   TUSCOLA drive start at 09:16.
               Muffed Punt
  W 1-10 B19   Sluder, Luke rush up middle for 1 yard to the LW18 (Bruce, Isaiah).
  W 2-9  B18   Erickson, Andrew rush over left end for 11 yards to the LW7, 1ST DOWN TUSCOLA (Lingle, Eli).
  W 1-G  B07   Sluder, Luke rush quarterback draw for 2 yards to the LW5, fumble by Sluder, Luke recovered by LW Ormiston, Sean
               at LW5, fumble forced by Vonlanken, Brayden.
--------------- 3 plays, 14 yards, TOP 01:08 ---------------

      B 1-10 B05   LENA-WINSLOW drive start at 08:08.
      B 1-10 B05   Valentine, Rahveon rush over left guard for 4 yards to the LW9 (Erickson, Andrew).
      B 2-6  B09   Ormiston, Sean rush up middle for loss of 1 yard to the LW8 (Woodard, Hunter).
      B 3-7  B08   Schwartz, Gaige rush over right end for no gain to the LW8 (Pierce, Noah;Hoel, Dalton).
      B 4-7  B08   Magee, Parker punt 40 yards to the LW48, Hoel, Dalton return 17 yards to the LW31, out-of-bounds (Bruce,
--------------- 3 plays, 3 yards, TOP 01:38 ---------------

  W 1-10 B31   TUSCOLA drive start at 06:30.
  W 1-10 B31   Sluder, Luke rush over left guard for 2 yards to the LW29 (Bruce, Isaiah).
  W 2-8  B29   Sluder, Luke crossing pass incomplete to Pierce, Noah.
  W 3-8  B29   Sluder, Luke middle pass intercepted by Ormiston, Sean at the LW15, Chrisman, Ty return to the LW30,
               out-of-bounds, PENALTY LW pass interference 15 yards to the LW14, 1ST DOWN TUSCOLA, NO PLAY.
  W 1-10 B14   Cothron, Haden rush over right end for 5 yards to the LW9 (Valentine, Rahveon;Lingle, Eli).
  W 2-5  B09   Sluder, Luke rush over left tackle for 4 yards to the LW5 (Ormiston, Sean).
  W 3-1  B05   Erickson, Andrew rush up middle for 5 yards to the LW0, 1ST DOWN TUSCOLA, TOUCHDOWN, clock 04:16.
               Kresin, Cade kick attempt good.

                                                     TUSCOLA 7, LENA-WINSLOW 0

--------------- 5 plays, 31 yards, TOP 02:19 ---------------

               Kresin, Cade kickoff 48 yards to the LW12, Schwartz, Gaige return 16 yards to the LW28 (Kresin, Cade;Miller,
      B 1-10 B28   LENA-WINSLOW drive start at 04:11.
      B 1-10 B28   Valentine, Rahveon rush right for 5 yards to the LW33, out-of-bounds (Russell, Gage).
      B 2-5  B33   Chrisman, Ty rush quarterback draw for no gain to the LW33 (Woodard, Hunter).
      B 3-5  B33   Chrisman, Ty sideline pass complete to Bruce, Isaiah for 16 yards to the LW49, 1ST DOWN LW, out-of-bounds
                   (Pierce, Noah).
      B 1-10 B49   Valentine, Rahveon rush up middle for 2 yards to the TUSCOLA49 (Erickson, Andrew;Woodard, Hunter).
      B 2-8  W49   Chrisman, Ty rush quarterback draw for no gain to the TUSCOLA49, fumble by Chrisman, Ty recovered by TUSCOLA
                   Sementi, Cale at TUSCOLA49.
--------------- 5 plays, 23 yards, TOP 01:34 ---------------

  W 1-10 W49   TUSCOLA drive start at 02:37.
  W 1-10 W49   Sluder, Luke sacked for loss of 6 yards to the TUSCOLA43 (Ormiston, Sean).
  W 2-16 W43   Sluder, Luke crossing pass incomplete to Hoel, Dalton.
  W 3-16 W43   Sluder, Luke rush for 3 yards to the TUSCOLA46 (Bruce, Isaiah), PENALTY TUSCOLA illegal forward pass (Sluder,
               Luke) 5 yards to the TUSCOLA41.
  W 4-18 W41   4th and 18.
  W 4-18 W41   Kresin, Cade punt 21 yards to the LW38, downed.
--------------- 3 plays, minus 8 yards, TOP 01:03 ---------------

      B 1-10 B38   LENA-WINSLOW drive start at 01:34.
      B 1-10 B38   Chrisman, Ty deep in pass incomplete to Bruce, Isaiah.
      B 2-10 B38   Valentine, Rahveon rush over right end for 14 yards to the TUSCOLA48 (Woodard, Hunter), PENALTY LW holding
                   10 yards to the LW28, NO PLAY.
      B 2-20 B28   Timeout Lena-Winslow, clock 01:17.
      B 2-20 B28   Chrisman, Ty screen pass complete to Bruce, Isaiah for 72 yards to the TUSCOLA0, 1ST DOWN LW, TOUCHDOWN,

                   clock 01:00.
                   Magee, Parker kick attempt good.

                                                     TUSCOLA 7, LENA-WINSLOW 7

--------------- 2 plays, 62 yards, TOP 00:34 ---------------

                   Magee, Parker kickoff 34 yards to the TUSCOLA26, Hoel, Dalton return 0 yards to the TUSCOLA26.
  W 1-10 W26   TUSCOLA drive start at 01:00.
  W 1-10 W26   Sluder, Luke rush quarterback draw for no gain to the TUSCOLA26 (Kuehl, Ian).
  W 2-10 W26   Timeout Lena-Winslow, clock 00:51.
  W 2-10 W26   Hoel, Dalton rush reverse for 5 yards to the TUSCOLA31, out-of-bounds (Lingle, Eli).
  W 3-5  W31   Erickson, Andrew rush over left end for 9 yards to the TUSCOLA40, 1ST DOWN TUSCOLA (Gyland, Keegan;Schwartz,
  W 1-10 W40   Sluder, Luke rush quarterback draw for 2 yards to the TUSCOLA42 (Magee, Parker).
--------------- 4 plays, 16 yards, TOP 01:55 ---------------

                                                     ===END OF 1st QUARTER====
                                                     TUSCOLA 7, LENA-WINSLOW 7

                                                 Play-by-Play Summary (2nd quarter)
                                                           IHSA Football
                                         Tuscola vs Lena-Winslow (11/24/17 at DeKalb, Ill.)

  W 2-8  W42   Start of 2nd quarter, clock 12:00.
  W 2-8  W42   Sluder, Luke sideline pass incomplete to Hoel, Dalton.
  W 3-8  W42   Sluder, Luke sacked for loss of 3 yards to the TUSCOLA39 (Magee, Parker;Schwartz, Gaige).
  W 4-11 W39   Kresin, Cade punt 43 yards to the LW18, Schwartz, Gaige return 6 yards to the LW24 (Miller, Kevin;Denny,
--------------- 6 plays, 13 yards, TOP 01:55 ---------------

      B 1-10 B24   LENA-WINSLOW drive start at 11:05.
      B 1-10 B24   Valentine, Rahveon rush right for 76 yards to the TUSCOLA0, 1ST DOWN LW, TOUCHDOWN, clock 10:49.
                   Magee, Parker kick attempt good.

                                                     TUSCOLA 7, LENA-WINSLOW 14

--------------- 1 plays, 76 yards, TOP 00:22 ---------------

                   Magee, Parker kickoff 35 yards to the TUSCOLA25, Hoel, Dalton return 7 yards to the TUSCOLA32 (Kuehl, Ian).
  W 1-10 W32   TUSCOLA drive start at 10:43.
  W 1-10 W32   Erickson, Andrew rush right for 15 yards to the TUSCOLA47, 1ST DOWN TUSCOLA (Chrisman, Ty;Trumpy, Noah).
  W 1-10 W47   Cothron, Haden rush left for 3 yards to the 50 yardline (Kuehl, Ian;Schwartz, Gaige).
  W 2-7  W50   Sluder, Luke sideline pass complete to Kresin, Cade for 14 yards to the LW36, 1ST DOWN TUSCOLA (Valentine,
               Rahveon;Gyland, Keegan).
  W 1-10 B36   Sluder, Luke rush quarterback draw for 3 yards to the LW33 (Kuehl, Ian).
  W 2-7  B33   Erickson, Andrew rush over right guard for 2 yards to the LW31 (Kuehl, Ian;Magee, Parker).
  W 3-5  B31   Sluder, Luke rush quarterback draw for 2 yards to the LW29 (Ormiston, Sean).
  W 4-3  B29   Sluder, Luke rush quarterback sneak for 1 yard to the LW28 (Bruce, Isaiah).
--------------- 7 plays, 40 yards, TOP 03:20 ---------------

      B 1-10 B28   LENA-WINSLOW drive start at 07:23.
      B 1-10 B28   Ormiston, Sean rush right for 50 yards to the TUSCOLA22, 1ST DOWN LW (Kresin, Cade).
      B 1-10 W22   Valentine, Rahveon rush left for 22 yards to the TUSCOLA0, 1ST DOWN LW, TOUCHDOWN, clock 07:09.
                   Magee, Parker kick attempt good.

                                                     TUSCOLA 7, LENA-WINSLOW 21

--------------- 2 plays, 72 yards, TOP 00:20 ---------------

                   Magee, Parker kickoff 34 yards to the TUSCOLA26, Pierce, Noah return 9 yards to the TUSCOLA35 (Bruce,
  W 1-10 W35   TUSCOLA drive start at 07:03.
  W 1-10 W35   Sluder, Luke rush quarterback draw for 3 yards to the TUSCOLA38 (Kuehl, Ian).
  W 2-7  W38   Sluder, Luke deep in pass incomplete to Hoel, Dalton.
  W 3-7  W38   Sluder, Luke sacked for loss of 4 yards to the TUSCOLA34 (Magee, Parker).
  W 4-11 W34   Kresin, Cade punt 39 yards to the LW27, Schwartz, Gaige return 15 yards to the LW42 (Russell, Gage;Little,
--------------- 3 plays, minus 1 yards, TOP 01:34 ---------------

      B 1-10 B42   LENA-WINSLOW drive start at 05:29.
      B 1-10 B42   Ormiston, Sean rush up middle for 7 yards to the LW49 (Erickson, Andrew).
      B 2-3  B49   Valentine, Rahveon rush up middle for 1 yard to the 50 yardline (Woodard, Hunter;Miller, Kevin).
      B 3-2  B50   Valentine, Rahveon rush right for 6 yards to the TUSCOLA44, 1ST DOWN LW (Hoel, Dalton;Erickson, Andrew).
      B 1-10 W44   Schwartz, Gaige rush over right end for loss of 2 yards to the TUSCOLA46 (Vonlanken, Brayden).
      B 2-12 W46   Ormiston, Sean rush over left guard for no gain to the TUSCOLA46 (Woodard, Hunter).
      B 3-12 W46   Chrisman, Ty rush quarterback draw for 10 yards to the TUSCOLA36 (Hoel, Dalton).
      B 4-2  W36   Valentine, Rahveon rush left for 31 yards to the TUSCOLA5 (Erickson, Andrew), PENALTY LW holding 11 yards to
                   the TUSCOLA47, NO PLAY.
      B 4-13 W47   4th and 13.
      B 4-13 W47   Timeout Tuscola, clock 01:34.
      B 4-13 W47   Magee, Parker punt 22 yards to the TUSCOLA25, out-of-bounds.
--------------- 6 plays, 11 yards, TOP 04:00 ---------------

  W 1-10 W25   TUSCOLA drive start at 01:29.
  W 1-10 W25   Sluder, Luke deep out pass incomplete to Cothron, Haden, dropped pass.
  W 2-10 W25   Sluder, Luke sacked for loss of 8 yards to the TUSCOLA17 (Ormiston, Sean).
  W 3-18 W17   Sluder, Luke deep in pass incomplete to Cothron, Haden.
  W 4-18 W17   Timeout Lena-Winslow, clock 00:32.
  W 4-18 W17   Kresin, Cade punt 33 yards to the 50 yardline, out-of-bounds.
--------------- 3 plays, minus 8 yards, TOP 01:03 ---------------

      B 1-10 B50   LENA-WINSLOW drive start at 00:26.
      B 1-10 B50   TEAM rush for loss of 1 yard to the LW49.

                   LW Takes a Knee
      B 2-11 B49   End of half, clock 00:00.
--------------- 1 plays, minus 1 yards, TOP 00:26 ---------------

                                                     ====END OF 2nd QUARTER====
                                                     TUSCOLA 7, LENA-WINSLOW 21

                                                 Play-by-Play Summary (3rd quarter)
                                                           IHSA Football
                                         Tuscola vs Lena-Winslow (11/24/17 at DeKalb, Ill.)

      B 2-11 B49   Start of 3rd quarter, clock 12:00, TUSCOLA ball on TUSCOLA40.
--------------- 1 plays, minus 1 yards, TOP 00:26 ---------------

               Kresin, Cade kickoff 60 yards to the LW0, touchback.
      B 1-10 B20   LENA-WINSLOW drive start at 12:00.
      B 1-10 B20   Valentine, Rahveon rush over right tackle for 2 yards to the LW22 (Sementi, Cale;Tabeling, Logan).
      B 2-8  B22   Valentine, Rahveon rush over right tackle for 4 yards to the LW26 (Erickson, Andrew).
      B 3-4  B26   Ormiston, Sean rush over right end for 7 yards to the LW33, 1ST DOWN LW (Tabeling, Logan).
      B 1-10 B33   Valentine, Rahveon rush up middle for no gain to the LW33 (Woodard, Hunter).
      B 2-10 B33   Ormiston, Sean rush up middle for 3 yards to the LW36 (Erickson, Andrew;Sementi, Cale).
      B 3-7  B36   Chrisman, Ty deep in pass complete to Bruce, Isaiah for 26 yards to the TUSCOLA38 (Hoel, Dalton), PENALTY LW
                   illegal shift 5 yards to the LW31, NO PLAY.
      B 3-12 B31   Valentine, Rahveon rush left for loss of 4 yards to the LW27 (Dixon, Ben;Sementi, Cale).
      B 4-16 B27   Magee, Parker punt 7 yards to the LW34, out-of-bounds.
--------------- 6 plays, 7 yards, TOP 04:13 ---------------

  W 1-10 B34   TUSCOLA drive start at 07:47.
  W 1-10 B34   Erickson, Andrew rush over right guard for no gain to the LW34 (Magee, Parker).
  W 2-10 B34   Sluder, Luke middle pass incomplete (Bruce, Isaiah).
  W 3-10 B34   Sluder, Luke rush quarterback draw for 9 yards to the LW25 (Schwartz, Gaige;Valentine, Rahveon).
  W 4-1  B25   Erickson, Andrew rush up middle for 2 yards to the LW23, 1ST DOWN TUSCOLA (Chrisman, Ty).
  W 1-10 B23   Sluder, Luke rush quarterback draw for 2 yards to the LW21 (Chrisman, Ty).
  W 2-8  B21   Erickson, Andrew rush up middle for 17 yards to the LW4, 1ST DOWN TUSCOLA (Gyland, Keegan).
  W 1-G  B04   Sluder, Luke sideline pass complete to Hoel, Dalton for 4 yards to the LW0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 04:57.
               Kresin, Cade kick attempt good.

                                                    TUSCOLA 14, LENA-WINSLOW 21

--------------- 7 plays, 34 yards, TOP 02:50 ---------------

               Kresin, Cade kickoff 60 yards to the LW0, touchback.
      B 1-10 B20   LENA-WINSLOW drive start at 04:57.
      B 1-10 B20   Valentine, Rahveon rush up middle for 4 yards to the LW24 (Erickson, Andrew).
      B 2-6  B24   Schwartz, Gaige rush left for 6 yards to the LW30, 1ST DOWN LW (Woodard, Hunter;Vonlanken, Brayden).
      B 1-10 B30   Valentine, Rahveon rush up middle for 3 yards to the LW33, fumble forced by Little, Will, fumble by
                   Valentine, Rahveon recovered by TUSCOLA Dixon, Ben at LW34.
--------------- 3 plays, 14 yards, TOP 01:14 ---------------

  W 1-10 B34   TUSCOLA drive start at 03:43.
  W 1-10 B34   Sluder, Luke post pass complete to Hoel, Dalton for 7 yards to the LW27 (Trumpy, Noah).
  W 2-3  B27   Sluder, Luke deep out pass incomplete to Hoel, Dalton.
  W 3-3  B27   Sluder, Luke rush quarterback draw for loss of 1 yard to the LW28 (Kuehl, Ian).
  W 4-4  B28   Sluder, Luke post pass complete to Hoel, Dalton for 19 yards to the LW9, 1ST DOWN TUSCOLA, out-of-bounds
               (Gyland, Keegan).
  W 1-G  B09   Erickson, Andrew rush up middle for 1 yard to the LW8 (Kuehl, Ian).
  W 2-G  B08   Sluder, Luke rush over right tackle for 3 yards to the LW5 (Jones, Michael).
  W 3-G  B05   Sluder, Luke deep out pass incomplete to Kresin, Cade.
  W 4-G  B05   Sluder, Luke flag pass complete to Sementi, Cale for 5 yards to the LW0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:42.

               Hoel, Dalton rush attempt failed.
               Bad Snap on PAT

                                                    TUSCOLA 20, LENA-WINSLOW 21

--------------- 8 plays, 34 yards, TOP 03:01 ---------------

               Kresin, Cade kickoff 60 yards to the LW0, touchback.
      B 1-10 B20   LENA-WINSLOW drive start at 00:42.
      B 1-10 B20   Ormiston, Sean rush up middle for 5 yards to the LW25 (Hoel, Dalton;Little, Will).
--------------- 1 plays, 5 yards, TOP 04:11 ---------------

                                                    ====END OF 3rd QUARTER=====
                                                    TUSCOLA 20, LENA-WINSLOW 21

                                                 Play-by-Play Summary (4th quarter)
                                                           IHSA Football
                                         Tuscola vs Lena-Winslow (11/24/17 at DeKalb, Ill.)

      B 2-5  B25   Start of 4th quarter, clock 12:00.
      B 2-5  B25   Ormiston, Sean rush up middle for 3 yards to the LW28 (Erickson, Andrew).
      B 3-2  B28   Valentine, Rahveon rush over right guard for 1 yard to the LW29 (Vonlanken, Brayden).
      B 4-1  B29   Chrisman, Ty rush quarterback sneak for 4 yards to the LW33, 1ST DOWN LW (Erickson, Andrew).
      B 1-10 B33   Chrisman, Ty sacked for loss of 5 yards to the LW28 (Little, Will).
      B 2-15 B28   Valentine, Rahveon rush left for 3 yards to the LW31 (Woodard, Hunter).
      B 3-12 B31   Chrisman, Ty deep in pass incomplete to Bruce, Isaiah.
      B 4-12 B31   Magee, Parker punt 61 yards to the TUSCOLA8, Hoel, Dalton return 21 yards to the TUSCOLA29, out-of-bounds
                   (Chrisman, Ty).
--------------- 7 plays, 11 yards, TOP 04:11 ---------------

  W 1-10 W29   TUSCOLA drive start at 08:31.
  W 1-10 W29   Erickson, Andrew rush over right tackle for 4 yards to the TUSCOLA33 (Schwartz, Gaige).
  W 2-6  W33   Sluder, Luke post pass complete to Douglas, Brando for 11 yards to the TUSCOLA44, 1ST DOWN TUSCOLA (Ormiston,
               Sean;Chrisman, Ty).
  W 1-10 W44   Timeout Tuscola, clock 07:32.
  W 1-10 W44   Sluder, Luke sideline pass incomplete to Douglas, Brando, dropped pass.
  W 2-10 W44   Sluder, Luke pass incomplete to Hoel, Dalton (Bruce, Isaiah).
  W 3-10 W44   Sluder, Luke deep out pass incomplete to Cothron, Haden (Lingle, Eli).
  W 4-10 W44   Kresin, Cade punt 32 yards to the LW24, downed.
--------------- 5 plays, 15 yards, TOP 01:19 ---------------

      B 1-10 B24   LENA-WINSLOW drive start at 07:12.
      B 1-10 B24   Valentine, Rahveon rush up middle for 4 yards to the LW28 (Little, Will;Erickson, Andrew).
      B 2-6  B28   Valentine, Rahveon rush left for 1 yard to the LW29 (Dixon, Ben;Woodard, Hunter).
      B 3-5  B29   Chrisman, Ty crossing pass incomplete to Schwartz, Gaige.
      B 4-5  B29   Magee, Parker punt 48 yards to the TUSCOLA23, Hoel, Dalton return 10 yards to the TUSCOLA33 (Schwartz,
--------------- 3 plays, 5 yards, TOP 01:32 ---------------

  W 1-10 W33   TUSCOLA drive start at 05:40.
  W 1-10 W33   Erickson, Andrew rush over left tackle for 3 yards to the TUSCOLA36 (Jones, Michael;Magee, Parker).
  W 2-7  W36   Sluder, Luke crossing pass incomplete to Cothron, Haden (Schwartz, Gaige).
  W 3-7  W36   Sluder, Luke deep out pass incomplete to Hoel, Dalton.
  W 4-7  W36   Kresin, Cade punt 27 yards to the LW37, out-of-bounds.
--------------- 3 plays, 3 yards, TOP 00:45 ---------------

      B 1-10 B37   LENA-WINSLOW drive start at 04:55.
      B 1-10 B37   Ormiston, Sean rush over right end for 4 yards to the LW41 (Miller, Kevin).
      B 2-6  B41   Chrisman, Ty rush quarterback draw for 2 yards to the LW43 (Picazo, CJ).
      B 3-4  B43   Valentine, Rahveon rush up middle for no gain to the LW43 (Miller, Kevin).
      B 4-4  B43   Magee, Parker punt 44 yards to the TUSCOLA13, Hoel, Dalton return 13 yards to the TUSCOLA26 (Ormiston,
--------------- 3 plays, 6 yards, TOP 02:22 ---------------

  W 1-10 W26   TUSCOLA drive start at 02:33.
  W 1-10 W26   Sluder, Luke pass intercepted by Schwartz, Gaige at the TUSCOLA28, Schwartz, Gaige return 0 yards to the
               TUSCOLA28 (Hoel, Dalton).
--------------- 1 plays, 0 yards, TOP 00:10 ---------------

      B 1-10 W28   LENA-WINSLOW drive start at 02:23.
      B 1-10 W28   Valentine, Rahveon rush left for no gain to the TUSCOLA28, fumble forced by Erickson, Andrew, fumble by
                   Valentine, Rahveon recovered by TUSCOLA Kresin, Cade at TUSCOLA23.
--------------- 1 plays, 5 yards, TOP 00:09 ---------------

  W 1-10 W23   TUSCOLA drive start at 02:14.
  W 1-10 W23   Sluder, Luke crossing pass complete to Hoel, Dalton for 6 yards to the TUSCOLA29 (Chrisman, Ty).
  W 2-4  W29   Sluder, Luke sideline pass complete to Hoel, Dalton for 3 yards to the TUSCOLA32 (Valentine, Rahveon).
  W 3-1  W32   Sluder, Luke rush quarterback draw for 6 yards to the TUSCOLA38, 1ST DOWN TUSCOLA, out-of-bounds (Trumpy, Noah).
  W 1-10 W38   Sluder, Luke sideline pass complete to Hoel, Dalton for 13 yards to the LW49, 1ST DOWN TUSCOLA, out-of-bounds.
  W 1-10 B49   Sluder, Luke post pass incomplete to Douglas, Brando (Valentine, Rahveon).
  W 2-10 B49   Sluder, Luke sideline pass incomplete (Bruce, Isaiah).
  W 3-10 B49   Hoel, Dalton sacked for loss of 4 yards to the TUSCOLA47 (Schwartz, Gaige).
  W 4-14 W47   Timeout Tuscola, clock 00:55.
  W 4-14 W47   Timeout Lena-Winslow, clock 00:55.
  W 4-14 W47   Sluder, Luke deep out pass complete to Hoel, Dalton for 15 yards to the LW38, 1ST DOWN TUSCOLA (Lingle,
               Eli;Chrisman, Ty).
  W 1-10 B38   Sluder, Luke sideline pass incomplete to Hoel, Dalton.
  W 2-10 B38   Timeout Lena-Winslow, clock 00:37.
  W 2-10 B38   Sluder, Luke deep out pass incomplete to Hoel, Dalton, dropped pass (Lingle, Eli).
  W 3-10 B38   Timeout Lena-Winslow, clock 00:32.
  W 3-10 B38   Sluder, Luke rush quarterback draw for 9 yards to the LW29 (Trumpy, Noah).
  W 4-1  B29   Sluder, Luke middle pass incomplete to Douglas, Brando (Valentine, Rahveon).
--------------- 12 plays, 48 yards, TOP 02:04 ---------------

      B 1-10 B29   LENA-WINSLOW drive start at 00:10.
      B 1-10 B29   Timeout Tuscola, clock 00:10.
      B 1-10 B29   TEAM rush for loss of 1 yard to the LW28.
                   LW takes a Knee
      B 2-11 B28   End of game, clock 00:00.
--------------- 1 plays, minus 1 yards, TOP 00:10 ---------------

                                                    ========FINAL SCORE========
                                                    TUSCOLA 20, LENA-WINSLOW 21