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 Chicago Public, Chicago (Second City) 2002 

Last updated at 12:50 pm on Tuesday, December 3.

If you notice an error in the conference standings, please let us know immediately. We also appreciate updates to coaches' names. You can e-mail Scott Johnson (scott@ihsa.org) or call the IHSA Office at (309) 663-6377.


* Indicates a conference game.
# Indicates a game that does not count when determining playoff qualifiers.

R - conference representative / champion
C - clinched playoff berth with 6 or more wins
A - at-large playoff team (5 wins)

 Conference Standings

                                          Conf. Overall Playoff Points
                                           W  L   W  L   Pts.   Own Opp.
  Chicago (Austin)                         5  0   7  2          298 118
  Chicago (Bowen)                          4  1   6  3          143 185
  Chicago (Sullivan)                       3  2   6  2          144  69
  Chicago (Washington)                     2  3   3  6          196 188
  Chicago (Orr)                            1  4   1  7           52 296
  Chicago (Tilden)                         0  5   0  8           64 340

Schools in this conference are not eligible to participate in the IHSA Football Playoffs.

 Chicago (Austin)

Nickname: Tigers
Head Coach: Steven Tadlock
2001 Record: 6-3 (Class )
2002 Football Enrollment: 1387.86

   L    6   12    4-5   Chicago (Westinghouse)                    1412
   W   41    7    2-6   Chicago (Farragut)                        2292
   W   47    0    2-6   Chicago (Amundsen)                        1531
   W   20   18    3-6  *Chicago (Washington)                      1544
   W   51    0    0-8  *Chicago (Tilden)                          1254
   W   51   13    6-3  *Chicago (Bowen)                           1012
   W   56    0    1-7  *Chicago (Orr)                             1208
   W   26   14    6-2  *Chicago (Sullivan)                        1197
   L    0   54    7-4   Chicago (Hyde Park)                       1813

 Chicago (Bowen)

Nickname: Boilermakers
Head Coach:
2001 Record: 3-5 (Class )
2002 Football Enrollment: 1226.64

   L    0   34   12-1   Chicago (Steinmetz)                       2572
   W   20    6    2-6   Chicago (Clemente)                        2005
   W    8    0    5-4   Chicago (Gage Park)                       1528
   W    8    0    6-2  *Chicago (Sullivan)                        1197
   W   38    0    1-7  *Chicago (Orr)                             1208
   L   13   51    7-2  *Chicago (Austin)                          1353
   W   22   14    3-6  *Chicago (Washington)                      1544
   W   27   24    0-8  *Chicago (Tilden)                          1254
   L    7   56    7-3   Chicago (Corliss)                         1066

 Chicago (Orr)

Nickname: Spartans
Head Coach:
2001 Record: 3-5 (Class )
2002 Football Enrollment: 1228.25

   L   24   44    2-6   Chicago (Farragut)                        2292
   L    0   34    2-6   Chicago (Englewood)                        974
   L    6   32    5-3   Chicago (Lake View)                       1131
   W   22   20    0-8  *Chicago (Tilden)                          1254
   L    0   38    6-3  *Chicago (Bowen)                           1012
   L    0   12    6-2  *Chicago (Sullivan)                        1197
   L    0   56    7-2  *Chicago (Austin)                          1353
   L    0   60    3-6  *Chicago (Washington)                      1544

 Chicago (Sullivan)

Nickname: Tigers
Head Coach: markzuckerman
2001 Record: 2-6 (Class )
2002 Football Enrollment: 1278.00

   W   22    6    2-6   Chicago (Clemente)                        2005
   W   14    8    5-3   Chicago (Lake View)                       1131 (OT)
   W   16    0    1-7   Chicago (Foreman)                         1664
   L    0    8    6-3  *Chicago (Bowen)                           1012
   W   16   15    3-6  *Chicago (Washington)                      1544
   W   12    0    1-7  *Chicago (Orr)                             1208
   W   50    6    0-8  *Chicago (Tilden)                          1254
   L   14   26    7-2  *Chicago (Austin)                          1353

 Chicago (Tilden)

Nickname: Blue Devils
Head Coach:
2001 Record: 5-3 (Class )
2002 Football Enrollment: 1254.00

   L    0   50    4-4   Chicago (Kennedy)                         1600
   L    6   38    6-2   Chicago (Bronzeville)                      495
   L    0   52    4-5   Chicago (Manley)                           650
   L   20   22    1-7  *Chicago (Orr)                             1208
   L    0   51    7-2  *Chicago (Austin)                          1353
   L    8   50    3-6  *Chicago (Washington)                      1544
   L    6   50    6-2  *Chicago (Sullivan)                        1197
   L   24   27    6-3  *Chicago (Bowen)                           1012

 Chicago (Washington)

Nickname: Minutemen
Head Coach:
2001 Record: 1-7 (Class )
2002 Football Enrollment: 1544.00

   L    0   27    3-6   Chicago (St. Francis de Sales)             354
   W   39    0    0-3   Chicago (Juarez)                          1669
   L    0   49   12-1   Chicago (Steinmetz)                       2572
   L   18   20    7-2  *Chicago (Austin)                          1353
   L   15   16    6-2  *Chicago (Sullivan)                        1197
   W   50    8    0-8  *Chicago (Tilden)                          1254
   L   14   22    6-3  *Chicago (Bowen)                           1012
   W   60    0    1-7  *Chicago (Orr)                             1208
   L    0   46   11-2   Rock Island (H.S.)                        1652

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