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 Northern Illinois (NIC-9) 2004 

Last updated at 8:56 am on Sunday, November 28.

If you notice an error in the conference standings, please let us know immediately. We also appreciate updates to coaches' names. You can e-mail sjohnson@ihsa.org or call the IHSA Office at (309) 663-6377.


* Indicates a conference game.
# Indicates a game that does not count for this team when determining playoff qualifiers.

R - conference representative / champion
C - clinched playoff berth with 6 or more wins
A - at-large playoff team (5 wins)

 Conference Standings

                                          Conf. Overall Playoff Points
                                           W  L   W  L   Pts.   Own Opp.
R-Freeport (H.S.)                          8  0  11  1          384 133
C-Rockford (Guilford)                      6  2   6  4          210 156
C-Belvidere                                5  3   7  4          318 199
C-Machesney Park (Harlem)                  5  3   7  4          276 168
C-Rockton (Hononegah)                      5  3   6  4          234 160
  Rockford (Boylan)                        4  4   4  5          250 116
  Rockford (East)                          2  6   2  7           92 298
  Rockford (Jefferson)                     1  7   2  7          127 317
  Rockford (Auburn)                        0  8   0  9           26 392


Nickname: Bucs
Head Coach: Mike Hearn
2003 Record: 5-5 (Class 7A)
2004 Football Enrollment: 2122.00

   L   27   44   11-1  *Freeport (H.S.)                           1351
   W   48    0    2-7  *Rockford (East)                           1804
   W   31   27    4-5  *Rockford (Boylan)                         1286
   W   48    0    0-9  *Rockford (Auburn)                         1665
   W   35   34    4-5   Roselle (Lake Park)                       2876 (OT)
   L   12   13    6-4  *Rockton (Hononegah)                       1855
   L   14   17    7-4  *Machesney Park (Harlem)                   2326
   W   30   19    6-4  *Rockford (Guilford)                       1974
   W   35   12    2-7  *Rockford (Jefferson)                      1807
   W   24   12    6-4   Rockton (Hononegah)                       1855
   L   14   21   13-1   Cary (C.-Grove)                           1757

 Freeport (H.S.)

Nickname: Pretzels
Head Coach: Cal Cummins
2003 Record: 10-1 (Class 6A)
2004 Football Enrollment: 1643.57

   W   44   27    7-4  *Belvidere                                 2122
   W   27    0    6-4  *Rockford (Guilford)                       1974
   W   48    0    2-7  *Rockford (East)                           1804
   W   17   14    7-4  *Machesney Park (Harlem)                   2326
   W   47    0    0-9  *Rockford (Auburn)                         1665
   W   49    6    2-7  *Rockford (Jefferson)                      1807
   W   42    7    6-4  *Rockton (Hononegah)                       1855
   W   14   13    4-5   Elgin (Larkin)                            2550
   W   14    6    4-5  *Rockford (Boylan)                         1286
   W   34    6    5-5   Bensenville (Fenton)                      1501
   W   27   24    7-4   Batavia                                   1712
   L   21   30   11-2   Geneva                                    1565

 Machesney Park (Harlem)

Nickname: Huskies
Head Coach: Jim Morrow
2003 Record: 7-3 (Class 7A)
2004 Football Enrollment: 2326.00

   LF   0    1    6-4  *Rockford (Guilford)                       1974
   W   69    6    2-7  *Rockford (Jefferson)                      1807
   W   24   21    6-4  *Rockton (Hononegah)                       1855
   L   14   17   11-1  *Freeport (H.S.)                           1351
   L   14   49    4-5  *Rockford (Boylan)                         1286
   W   32   18    0-9   DeKalb                                    1578
   W   17   14    7-4  *Belvidere                                 2122
   W   56    0    0-9  *Rockford (Auburn)                         1665
   W   33    6    2-7  *Rockford (East)                           1804
   W   17    8    6-4   Rockford (Guilford)                       1974
   L    0   28    9-3   Crystal Lake (South)                      1644

 Rockford (Auburn)

Nickname: Knights
Head Coach: Matt Cascio
2003 Record: 2-7 (Class 7A)
2004 Football Enrollment: 1777.07

   L   20   41    2-7  *Rockford (Jefferson)                      1807
   L    0   56    4-5  *Rockford (Boylan)                         1286
   L    6   34    2-7   Elgin (H.S.)                              2311
   L    0   48    7-4  *Belvidere                                 2122
   L    0   47   11-1  *Freeport (H.S.)                           1351
   L    0   22    2-7  *Rockford (East)                           1804
   L    0   42    6-4  *Rockford (Guilford)                       1974
   L    0   56    7-4  *Machesney Park (Harlem)                   2326
   L    0   46    6-4  *Rockton (Hononegah)                       1855

 Rockford (Boylan)

Nickname: Titans
Head Coach: Dan Appino
2003 Record: 10-2 (Class 6A)
2004 Football Enrollment: 1611.07

   L    7   10    6-4  *Rockton (Hononegah)                       1855
   W   56    0    0-9  *Rockford (Auburn)                         1665
   L   27   31    7-4  *Belvidere                                 2122
   L    7   14    7-4   Bartlett                                  2897
   W   49   14    7-4  *Machesney Park (Harlem)                   2326
   L   14   19    6-4  *Rockford (Guilford)                       1974
   W   42    6    2-7  *Rockford (East)                           1804
   W   42    8    2-7  *Rockford (Jefferson)                      1807
   L    6   14   11-1  *Freeport (H.S.)                           1351

 Rockford (East)

Nickname: E-Rabs
Head Coach: Jeff Matzl
2003 Record: 1-8 (Class 7A)
2004 Football Enrollment: 1804.00

   L    0   41    4-5   Rock Island (H.S.)                        1663
   L    0   48    7-4  *Belvidere                                 2122
   L    0   48   11-1  *Freeport (H.S.)                           1351
   L   14   45    6-4  *Rockford (Guilford)                       1974
   W   44   20    2-7  *Rockford (Jefferson)                      1807
   W   22    0    0-9  *Rockford (Auburn)                         1665
   L    6   42    4-5  *Rockford (Boylan)                         1286
   L    0   21    6-4  *Rockton (Hononegah)                       1855
   L    6   33    7-4  *Machesney Park (Harlem)                   2326

 Rockford (Guilford)

Nickname: Vikings
Head Coach: Mel Gilifillan
2003 Record: 2-7 (Class 7A)
2004 Football Enrollment: 1974.00

   WF   1    0    7-4  *Machesney Park (Harlem)                   2326
   L    0   27   11-1  *Freeport (H.S.)                           1351
   W   20    0    2-7  *Rockford (Jefferson)                      1807
   W   45   14    2-7  *Rockford (East)                           1804
   W   31   24    6-4  *Rockton (Hononegah)                       1855
   W   19   14    4-5  *Rockford (Boylan)                         1286
   W   42    0    0-9  *Rockford (Auburn)                         1665
   L   19   30    7-4  *Belvidere                                 2122
   L   25   30    5-5   Aurora (Waubonsie Valley)                 3148
   L    8   17    7-4   Machesney Park (Harlem)                   2326

 Rockford (Jefferson)

Nickname: J-Hawks
Head Coach: James Parker
2003 Record: 3-6 (Class 7A)
2004 Football Enrollment: 1839.00

   W   41   20    0-9  *Rockford (Auburn)                         1665
   L    6   69    7-4  *Machesney Park (Harlem)                   2326
   L    0   20    6-4  *Rockford (Guilford)                       1974
   L    6   31    6-4  *Rockton (Hononegah)                       1855
   L   20   44    2-7  *Rockford (East)                           1804
   L    6   49   11-1  *Freeport (H.S.)                           1351
   W   28    7    1-8   Aurora (East)                             2539
   L    8   42    4-5  *Rockford (Boylan)                         1286
   L   12   35    7-4  *Belvidere                                 2122

 Rockton (Hononegah)

Nickname: Indians
Head Coach: Steve Stromquist
2003 Record: 3-6 (Class 7A)
2004 Football Enrollment: 1855.00

   W   10    7    4-5  *Rockford (Boylan)                         1286
   W   49   14    2-7   East Moline (United)                      1816
   L   21   24    7-4  *Machesney Park (Harlem)                   2326
   W   31    6    2-7  *Rockford (Jefferson)                      1807
   L   24   31    6-4  *Rockford (Guilford)                       1974
   W   13   12    7-4  *Belvidere                                 2122
   L    7   42   11-1  *Freeport (H.S.)                           1351
   W   21    0    2-7  *Rockford (East)                           1804
   W   46    0    0-9  *Rockford (Auburn)                         1665
   L   12   24    7-4   Belvidere                                 2122

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